The Indian Summer – Its extremely Hot and with its onset, everyone starts waiting for the monsoons to come. The countdown begins and continues for months of eagerness.
Similarly, In any organization, the employees always wait for the appraisal season or the time when they might expect a raise from the manager’s side. The countdown is always on. So it’s a manager’s task to crack the code for managing the employee expectations well. Whether employees like it or not, performance reviews are part and parcel of any job. And it becomes an important criterion for appraisals.
Employees are mostly worried about the performance reviews but to be precise, in actual terms such situations are the perfect opportunity for the team to have successful conversations with the management, showcase their talent and gain honest feedback so that they can improve over time and do better and better. Not only the employees but even the employers find it tough to face the appraisal times as obvious it may seem; no one is willing to spend extra bucks without a tangible need. Lets analyse a few aspects to observe in your employees before planning the appraisals.
1. The alignment with the goals and KRA’s
What were the exact expectations from a team member. What work targets were allotted and how they were supposed to be approached; one must be meticulously able to analyse such aspects with every individual employee. As an employee monitoring software & employee tracking software, we have been observing various trends in the industry wherein managers find it tough to manage employee data when a lot of works are being done across departments. Here automation, notes and streamlined communication come in handy. The manager needs to track the work done by the employees and match it with what was allotted to them. SaaS based employee tracking software can help to gather all work data at a single point.
2. Way the employees handled work challenges
It will be a nice idea to track upon the challenges handled by various employees and way they approached the same. This can only be done if you have proper records of problems faced and open ended communication. Workplace tools like Slack and mail records can help to track this parameter.
3. Identify smart workers and hard workers
Companies definitely have tools for time tracking and attendance management at workplace. They will be able to give managers an idea about the working hours of an employee. Though tools like go one step ahead and showcase the data regarding productive working hours and unproductive working hours that are key factors to determine the overall employee productivity. One needs to identify people who worked less (smart workers) but still did more and the ones who worked more and did great too (hard workers). Both categories shall score well with the appraisals.
4. Management Skills
Quite a few of the employees might be leading individual departments from time to time and here you need to consider how well they were able to manage and extract results out of the colleagues. Employees with good management skills could be the potential toppers of a performance review season.
5. Ideation and Innovation Quotient
There are people who just discuss work, people who discuss people and people who discuss ideas. You need to track the ones who are mostly into ideas and innovate at work or in other words do something new at work. They are the ones who probably do things differently. To identify such employees the manager needs to know deeper insights of work like what websites or URLs the employees used to visit most often, the time spent on various apps or software etc. This can be done brilliantly using an employee monitoring software like It has features like domain blocking and dashboards to view the websites visited along with the individual time spent on each website or app. The folks who innovate more can be rewarded more.
Performance reviews and salary appraisals are a regular and vital practice at companies worldwide. It needs to be implemented perfectly. Decide on parameters which you want to evaluate, evaluate them with ease using employee management tools along with your own assessment and then see the results. Make sure your deserving ones get what they actually should so that your revenue growth and their productivity growth can be powered. is an employee monitoring tool which has comprehensive features to help managers in planning their appraisals and performance reviews in a transparent manner. Use it to believe it.