Out of the 138 crore population of India, 17.5% of the employed population is working in Human resources because every organization needs a department that can take care of its human capital and acts as a bridge between the employee and the employer. The GDP of India is currently 2.62 lack crore USD, out of which the HR department contributes 12.8%. HRs do not only play a vital role in building a successful business but are also an essential part of the Indian economy. So, why not help them to work effectively.
When we talk about Human Resources, we tend to talk about the HR team’s strategies to stable the workplace. HR’s strategies are a proper blend of psychological and practical approaches, which helps them bind the workspace together while keeping everyone happy and satisfied. And a foundation of a successful business is built on strategies and proper implementation. But what if I say that monitoring can strengthen HR’s strategies and, thus, your business’s foundation? To answer the question, we first have to understand HR strategies, which are viz.

Align To Business Needs
Keep Up With Your Business, Employees, and Employer
HR’s duty is to align the business’s needs with the employee and the employer because these three are the fixed factors that will improve your business in the long run. So, it is essential to keep these three factors aligned. We can officially say that HR is a thread that binds the employee, employer, and the organization together, and that is why HR’s are called the foundation of a business.
Making A Workspace A Safe Space
Workspace is not a warzone.
Employees spend most of their day at their workspace, so we can officially say that an employee spends more time in their workspace than their own homes. And it is the HR’s duty to keep the employees acquainted and comfortable. HR should be there for their employees when they need them and should resolve the employee’s problem as soon as possible.
Communication is the key
Unlock the door of communication
It is often said that communication is the key, and we can say that the owner of this key in the corporate world is HR because HR acts as a bridge between the employee and the employer. They help both of them to understand each other better and make a connection. Because at the end of the day, your organization is not just a workforce, and it’s a family that your build and nurture.
Evaluate To Improve
Don’t go through life. Grow through life
One of the most successful and significant HR strategies is evaluating employees’ performance to help them improve. When employees work on their personal growth, they work on their skill set and deliver more to the organization, which helps both the employee and the organization. It is a win-win for everyone.
And if the employee is unable to work on their weaknesses, then HR can assist him in overcoming their weakness. It is well said that learning never ends, and it is essential for a person to keep on learning. Because of you are not updated, then you are outdated.

How do HR strategies and monitoring go hand in hand?
HR strategies are a perfect blend of practical and psychological knowledge. HR has to deal with human behaviours while ensuring that the organization benefits. Monitoring can back all the HR strategies to make them more effective. Find out how:
Completely Transparent Workspace
Employee Monitoring Software can help you to keep your workspace completely transparent.
We360.ai offers screenshots and a real-time analysis feature which will make your workplace completely transparent.
Not only this, but monitoring also helps you create a non-biased environment for your employees and the employer. Monitoring can create a healthy and safe environment for the employees to work on their personal growth, which ultimately adds to their productivity. Thus, everyone will stand on equal ground, seek equal opportunities, and live up to the spirit of democracy.
Know Your Employees
Monitoring can help you to know your employees. It is well said that an organization is not built on a workforce, and a family builds it. Employee monitoring helps you know an employee’s likes and dislikes, which might help you build a strong relationship with your employee.
Observe, learn and improve
Monitoring can help your employees walk down the road of productivity by tracking employee activities and observing their weaknesses, then learning how to overcome them, and finally overcoming them. Monitoring can help your employees perform better and will add to their productivity.
HR strategies and monitoring are a perfect match. We360.ai plans to make work easier for both the employee and the employer. So, have the foundation of your organization stronger by backing up your HR strategies by monitoring, and then not even the sky is the limit. Make your HR team limitless with We360.ai.