Human Resources is the key to develop and sustain any organization with a long term approach. Any human resources manager has a host of duties to perform which include but are not limited to hiring, managing salaries, payroll, managing work culture and so on. is the perfect tool for HR for attendance management and task management.
The Indian Summer – Its extremely Hot and with its onset, everyone starts waiting for the monsoons to come. The countdown begins and continues for months of eagerness.Similarly, In any organization, the employees always wait for the appraisal season or the time when they might expect a raise from the manager’s side. The countdown is always on. So it’s a manager’s task to crack the code for managing the employee expectations well.
The basic necessity of an organisation is “Organisational Change.” It is very important for an organisation to be open to change, if you don’t keep yourself updated then you will be outdated. Here are some suggested practices by Harvard School Of Business that are regarded as the best practices to manage your workspace effectively.
Nine elements build a human personality and one of the most crucial parts of those elements is self-worth. Many factors influence self-worth. The psychological branch of Harvard Medical School also agrees that self-validation is an essential factor that affects a person’s self-worth. So, let’s look into how validating or appreciating your employees can affect your workspace?
3 out of every 5 employees is burnout in 59.66% of the global employed population. Working is a major part of today’s lifestyle but overworking and burning out oneself is not. In the year 2020 the burnout rate in employees was increased by 26% because employees were trying to settle in the work from home culture where they were in a process to settle in and could not find a balance to their work life and personal life.
As the world is moving out of the pandemic zone, a noticeable change has been witnessed in the resignation rate of the employees. According to the UN Economic and Social Council, 55% of the employed workforce started looking for other jobs due to a lack of employee engagement.
Empowerment is one of the greatest feelings that mankind can ever experience. Every war that has been fought in the history of mankind was about power play. However, psychologists found a very productive way to mold the essence of power into productivity. So, theories say human capital needs to feel appreciated and empowered to give effective returns.
Being a boss is tough. There is a particular image which is prevalent for bosses and it has transferred from one employee to another over the years. is the best tool for employee productivity monitoring and employee tracking.
A monthly compensation or salary is the prime motivation for an individual to work for an organization. But surely it isn’t the only one. There are several reasons which enable employees to stay and work in a company for longer periods. A major part of this includes the benefits and perks offered by an organization.
The traditional weekly work schedule expects an employee to work for 5 days a week or under many cases, 6 days a week for a specific number of hours that are fixed differently by different organizations though a standard figure for the same generally stands at 8 Hours. Have you ever thought of reducing the working hours in order to get better output or this seems like a certain joke of sorts?
Employee Engagement is the level of mental cum emotional connection and positivity an employee feels towards the work he does, his colleagues and his organization which results into positive attitude and better work behavior. As per statistics, engaged employees have as much as 70% higher productivity than the disengaged ones.
Companies nowadays are working hard to build a powerful employer brand and they try to showcase whatever they do in the smartest possible ways. This helps them stand out of the crowd and cut off the competition as well. At the same time they need their employees to become brand ambassadors to their company. Employee recognition is the need of the hour.